Sulle tracce della Bibliografia
Dipartimento di Studi storici; Università di Torino;
Considerazioni a partire da un recente libro di Attilio Mauro Caproni
English abstract
The article proposes some considerations aroused by reading the book by Attilio Mauro Caproni La bibliografia culturale (ovvero non è facile parlare di sé): Attilio Mauro Caproni dialoga con Mauro Guerrini: con alcune domande di Alfredo Broletti, a cura di Massimo Gatta, Macerata, Biblio Haus, 2022. The work includes an interview with Caproni by Mauro Guerrini, some questions by Alfredo Broletti, the re-proposition in the appendix of relevant contributions by the author and a dense Postfazione by Anna Dolfi. Some significant features of Caproni’s idea of Bibliography are examined, referred particularly to the coraggio di sapere (sapere aude) which can be identified as its central element, and to other reflections connected to the concepts of library, private library, reading, which have characterized a passionate research activity spanning many decades. Starting from these topics, some considerations are proposed on the possible role of bibliographic culture as a tool for interpreting contemporary complexity.