Sull’Appennino una secolare biblioteca racconta la sua storia

Romano Vecchiet


The century-old public library “Petrarca” is situated in Vernio in the province of Prato on the Apennines Range on the border of the two Italian regions Tuscany and Emilia Romagna. This library was created and initially organized by Ferdinando Ricci (1897-1971). He was a well-off exponent of an aristocratic Florentine family and he had the possibility to cooperate with one of the best-known figures of the Italian public libraries in Milan for a long time: Ettore Fabietti. In the recently published book the editors, Giovanni and Laura Pini, tell the singular history of this public library which, undamaged, is over a century of history and goes on constituting for the community of the area where it is situated a fundamental garrison of culture and democracy.


Vernio, Petrarca

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