Dal libro alla città

Luigi Failla


In contemporary cultural architectures the traditional mission, that in the past justified the typological and functional organization of the building, is now less important than the research of a new social legitimacy founded on the codes (often very different) of the territory in which these buildings are built. This work, based on the study of more than 90 libraries built during three periods of reference (1980-2000, 2000-2010, 2010-…), permits a coherent association between functional issues, architectural and urban design strategies and social issues. All these projects define non-hierarchical spaces that involve the development of a series of spatial hubs related to collective activities and civic life. Library becomes an urban space on a smaller scale, a microcosm that can be considered as a sort of city inside the city.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201608-038-1

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