Riflessioni sulla transizione a una bookless library accademica

Alessandra Citti, Marina Zuccoli


This paper presents some hints, intended for librarians facing the transition to a bookless library. The library disciplinary profile and the availability of electronic resources following that profile should be taken into account. Also the library spaces should be carefully planned, both in a totally paperless perspective and in a blended situation, with paper books stored off-site. The services and the role itself of the librarian will change. In particular, reference should become more and more flexible and should be tailored to digital natives. Since only catalogued resources will be retrievable, special care will be put on cataloguing all the documents. The new bookless library will have a powerful new role as social hub and facilitator in learning. Librarians will have the challenge to prepare this new library.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201607-047-1

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