Quando razionalizzare non significa rinnovare

Romano Vecchiet


The article is about the new Friuli Venezia Giulia regional law about cultural assets, in order to show how many positive aspects of the previous law on libraries have been cancelled. Some examples are references to the UNESCO Manifesto about the role of the Public Library in promoting peace culture, or the IFLA UNESCO Guidelines about immigrants’ rights. Also references to some important Italian Constitution articles have been deleted. The author is concerned about the choices affecting inter-municipality library systems, which the new law overlap to territorial areas too undersized to be effective. The author finally affirm that in this progressive deregulation landscape is absolutely important to consolidate and keep alive laws about public library.


Friuli Venenzia Giulia; legge; biblioteche; modifica legislativa; regione

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201605-007-1

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