Una biblioteca davvero speciale

Francesca Pongetti, Michela Perlini


In this article we describe the experience of the Special Library of the ARCA foundation in Senigallia, in relation to users with “different abilities.” On the topic of disabilities, the strictly medical perspective is focused on people who suffered limitations; in recent years, the perspective evolved toward a vision that is more articulated, dynamic, and focused on relationships, based not solely on the attributes and limitations of individuals, but involving society as a whole and the barriers that result from its structure and organization. Social services, in fact, are insufficient in the face of the variety and complexity of needs of “special” people and their families, especially when considering the time spent outside school. The Special Library was created to provide useful services for such people, offering diversified assets (high readability book, audiobooks, e-books, books in sign language, illustrated touch books, IN-Book, etc.). These special features provide the opportunity to address concerns of social inclusion and communication, as well as the opportunity for society to grow and embrace diversity.


biblioteca; disabili; disabilità

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201604-054-1

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