Quando la soddisfazione dell’utente comincia dalla home page

Simonetta Righi, Maurizio Zani


“Francesco Bianchi” Medical Library is located inside S. Orsola – Malpighi teaching hospital and supports scholars and professors of Medical Faculty of the University of Bologna. Our challenge was to create a library website home page able to lead users to the information they are seeking in a more direct way. To do this we chose to “tell” services and contents in a captivating and engaging way in order to create a positive and experience. We invited our readers to visit the website not only to find answers to their questions but also to see how we described and illustrated it trying to reward them with tailored content and graphics. The statistics relating to page access, the growing number of registered users to our services and the number of readers of our tutorials, comfort us in continuing this experience.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201308-021-1

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