Lo spazio della città, lo spazio dell’interfaccia

Gianluca Didino


MuseoTorino is a web and mobile application that has been thought as a hybrid information space in which different typology of documentary resources related to the city of Turin can find place. The basic idea used during the design of the platform is the metaphor of the museum, conceived as a “knowledge space” in which borders between real and virtual world blur. This space is composed by the combination of different documentary objects interpreted as marks of the human life on the built city. It is actualized through the technological device of a georeferenced map, that realizes on an interface level the polarity between legibility and utterance of the urban fabric, recalling the similar polarity that exist between design and user experience.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201305-042-1

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