Rapporto MLOL 2013 sul prestito digitale

Giulio Blasi


From 2013 MLOL (Media Library On Line) will release two Annual Reports with data and analyses regarding digital lending and digital content usage in the Italian libraries (about 3.000 in 14 Italian regions and 3 foreign countries as of May 2013). The first report, that we here present, contains national data and also focuses on the new services under development in the current year. The second report will be published at the end of the year and will focus on specific geographical areas with in-depth analyses of local data. In the present Report we have also compared data from Italy, from other European countries, from the US. The result is straightforward: while Italy is very well positioned with respect to European standards, it is the overall European context that shows a profound and structural delay vis-a-vis the US.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201305-025-1

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