Dalla pratica alla teoria

Chiara Parolo


Starting from the academic year 2020-2021, the University of Turin, Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, as part of the degree course in Educational Sciences, has set up for the first time the History of Children’s Literature workshops connected to the relevant course taught by Professor Ilaria Mattioni and has entrusted them to a librarian. The aim of my paper is to tell what the advantages of this collaboration are and how, thanks to the guidance of a librarian, the future educators were able to acquire not only theoretical but above all practical skills on the subject of reading out loud. It explains how a small “toolbox” was built, lesson by lesson, which the students will be able to take with them into their future work experiences.


Biblioteca; educatori; prima infanzia; libri; bibliotecari

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202107-065-1

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