Il Vieusseux dei Vieusseux

Franca Arduini


The 200th anniversary of the Gabinetto Vieusseux (1820-2020) provides the opportunity for an exhibition and a catalogue with a rich collection of images curated by Laura Desideri in cooperation with Francesco Conti. This work investigates the history of libraries with a new method based on the study – by the author herself – of the Libro dei soci and the Libro del prestito, which allowed readers of different nationalities to be identified over a long period of time. The most important European authors preferred this library to other Florentine ones because of the opening hours, rapidity of distribution and updating of collections widely available for the loan. In its halls the historic encounter between Leopardi and Manzoni took place on 3 September 1827.


Gabinetto Vieusseux

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