2019: dieci anni di Digital Readers

Giuseppe Bartorilla, Luisa Finocchi, Francesca Di Martino, Roberta Franceschetti, Elisa Salamini, Francesca Grasso, Caterina Ramonda, Elena Bernabei, Marco Ferrario


The articles of this paper are the contributions of some protagonists who have taken an active part in the exhibition “Digital Readers. Dialoghi sulla lettura possibile” over the last ten years. The review takes place every year in Rozzano (Milan) and is a laboratory of ideas and experiences to understand the relationship between new generations and digital universe. “Biblioteche oggi”, to celebrate the tenth anniversary, dedicate to the exhibition a dossier that traces its phases and salient features. The paper has a multidisciplinary approach which – from the librarianship to the technological aspects, from the pedagogical to the literary ones – aims to investigate how the practice of reading and the editorial proposals in the age of digital turned out to be.


Digital Readers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201908-053-1

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