Il Polo del 900 di Torino

Sandra Aloia, Matteo D'Ambrosio, Raffaela Valiani


Polo del 900 is Turin’s new cultural centre, open to all and specifically intended for young generations and new citizens. Situated at Juvarra’s Quartieri Militari, Polo is committed to promoting the whole community’s civic and educational growth regarding the most current topics and subjects concerning the future of society, starting from reflections about the history of the twentieth century. Thanks to the wealth of written sources and the many experiences and skills of the different cultural organisations involved in the project, the Polo will become the location and actor of cultural activities and initiatives that can make memories talk with the present. Citizens reacquire a new model with which to access the prestigious cultural heritage of the institutions that have participated in it: a thematically organised reading room with open shelves, an area for consultation of archives and libraries, a pleasant environment for studying and reading, professionals trained to help out people doing research, an integrated bibliographical catalogue, a new application for managing archives.

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