Tipi di biblioteca

Maria Pagano


The following article is developed from a research project aimed to investigate what happens in the physical, digital and bibliographic space of three Tuscan libraries: Oblates of Florence, Ginestra Fabbrica della Conoscenza of Montevarchi and MMAB (Montelupo Museum, Archive and Library) of Montelupo Fiorentino. The article present an “holistic” method applied to these three libraries, that is a qualitative analysis method characterized by the use of combined researches methods such as case studies, ethnographic research and the grounded theory and with research tools such as observations, interviews and questionnaires.


biblioteche; analisi; indagine; biblioteche toscane

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201605-014-1

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