“fra l’ultimo libro letto e il primo nuovo da aprire”: un percorso per abitare la lettura

Maurizio Vivarelli


The paper discusses some formal and structural aspects of fra l’ultimo libro letto e il primo nuovo da aprire by Luca Ferrieri, published by Olschki in 2013. The book, through a complex organization, both textual and paratextual, proposes an intense and intimate itinerary about reading, starting from the analysis of “passions” on which reading is based, and that link the subject with the textual object. The central theme are the aspects, slight and powerful, where appear the different phenomenologies of reading, art – says Ferrieri – secluded and shy that however, emerging from the depths of melancholy, may lead to unexpected bright spaces, such as those imagined by María Zambrano. Here the dance of reading stubbornly continues to press the reader, who wishes to interpret the signs and litterae acquired trough reading with Heidegger’s “cure”, towards the broader perspective foreshadowed by Gregory Bateson.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201308-005-1

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