Circuiti commerciali e non commerciali del sapere - 3

Giuseppe Vitiello


Third and last of a series devoted to the commercial and non-commercial scholarly communication chains, this article covers four areas of investigation. The first identifies the “new” communication chain with research evaluation and knowledge management now providing business opportunities for economic operators. The second area assesses the value of open access and, in particular, the “golden” and the “green” business models. Having shown the limits of the “institutional” approach, the author concludes that each country should be able to choose its own model, preferably in collaboration with the private sector. The third explores the “new” markets of research evaluation and knowledge management. Both sectors may be considered in a pre-market stage, with plenty of opportunities for newcomers willing to innovate with path-breaking activities and strategies. And finally, some recommendations are addressing the issue of scientific information in Italy and the role libraries could, and should, play.

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