Marino Cassini, pioniere della biblioteca ragazzi

Carla Ida Salviati


The article presents the figure of Marino Cassini, the legendary librarian in charge of Genoa's 'Edmondo De Amicis' International Youth Library, who died in December 2023 at the age of ninety-two. Cassini directed the institution (Italy's largest specialised children's library) from 1971, the year of its foundation linked to the project of Jella Lepman and the famous Munich library. Cassini early became a true role model in his profession as, at his time, Italian experience in this field was very limited. He organised the library in a modern way and was attentive to the reading needs of children. He was also an excellent writer for children.


Marino Cassini; Biblioteca ragazzi; Biblioteca Internazionale per Ragazzi Edmondo De Amicis


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