La scienza partecipata per gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile dell'ONU

Maria Cassella


The United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  support the future of the Planet. Data gathered from Citizen science (CS) projects are a new data source that can support the achievements of the UN SDGs. The paper discusses the relationship between Citizen science and SDGs and how Citizen science can effectively support SDGs, i.e.: - CS empowers SDGs projects and targets by gathering considerably more data than could be collected by an individual researcher or a group of researchers, scientific associations, universities, etc. etc. - It puts in place a continuous monitoring of the growth of the UN SDGs targets. - From the community perspective, Citizen science also makes it possible to expand the number of social groups involved in data collection, with a focus on social inclusion. The main role of the academic libraries in supporting SDGs and CS is to promote and to advocate for both. Once again, the focus of academic libraries’ action is on change, their need to follow, or even to anticipate, the ever-changing scenarios of research and society.


citizen science; obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile dell’ONU; Rapporto Brundtland

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