Strategie di arricchimento dei metadati per l’authority file di un fondo di persona

Angelo La Gorga, Marco Pozzi


This contribution presents the preliminary results of the interventions on the authority file of the archive of Filippo Burzio, a journalist, political scientist and engineer from Turin. These interventions are part of a larger project to enhance the archive, which takes shape from the migration of data from the previous management system, Guarini, to the most recent software, Mèmora. The analysis of the personal archive has made it possible to explore the historical context in which the individual/ author was situated, highlighting the centrality of the authority file as a point of access to information and as a means of contextualising data for a diversified public, as emphasised by the AIB guidelines on the treatment of personal archives, which highlight the central role of "significant persons in the world of culture" and the need to document their activities and relationships. The integration of the library and archival approach is thus shown to be essential for the correct design of contextualisation practices and for the reconstruction of the networks of people and institutions linked to the producing subject. The authority files, standardised according to the EAC-CPF guidelines, facilitate access to the catalogued resources and promote interoperability between different databases, a fundamental operation for the reconstruction of the producer subject's networks of relations, on the one hand, and for the integration of its multiform resources, on the other.


Archivio Filippo Burzio; metadati; authority file; fondi di persona


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