Intelligenza Artificiale nella comunicazione scientifica

Annarita Barbaro, Scilla Pizzarelli, Vittorio Ponzani


Even though the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) based tools in biomedical libraries are currently limited to some ongoing experiments, in this article we aim to present an overview of its possible implications on scientific communication and on the role of biomedical librarians, formulating some hypotheses for the future. This contribution is organized into three sections. The first one deals with the possible applications and impact of artificial intelligence on the biomedical librarian profession. The second analyses possible applications of AI in relation to open science and open publishing. The third, more narrowly focused, section analyses in detail the main applications of artificial intelligence on PubMed, with special emphasis on the automation of the indexing process, with all of its associated strengths and weaknesses.


IA; Intelligenza Artificiale; comunicazione scientifica; biblioteche biomediche


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