Linked Data, XML e IIIF al servizio dei manoscritti digitalizzati

Fabio Cusimano


The digital age has expanded our ability to access information through ubiquitous and multiplatform technology. This enables us to instantly retrieve any digital content, especially through mobile devices with touch interfaces. It is important to consider the ability of digital technology to bridge the gap between remote users and digital objects. The IIIF ecosystem enables easy access and use of analog resources in digital form, increasing their communicative power beyond their original analog form. This is particularly evident in digitized collections of ancient manuscripts, which are now accessible to a wider audience, including both the general public and scholars. If ancient illuminated manuscripts already offered different levels of communication and enjoyment, as seen in the coexistence of textual content and decorations, today they can benefit from new enhancements mediated by IIIF (and its guaranteed interoperability), XML and Linked Data. This enables them to play a leading role in new processes with multiple potentials, such as recreation, education, academic, MAB/GLAM.


Semantic Web; Risorse digitali; digitalizzazione; digitalization; Library;


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