Profilo, luci e ombre della biblioteconomia: uno sguardo panoramico

Maurizio Vivarelli


This contribution presents and discusses a recent book by Mauro Guerrini, Biblioteconomia (Roma, Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2023), which has as its object the ambitious objective of describing and delimiting the boundaries of the disciplinary field of Library Science and Librarianship, examined in its diachronic and synchronic dimension, and essentially defined as the ordering activity, carried out in libraries by librarians, of the elements which, appropriately indexed, constitute the bibliographic universe. The volume synthetically examines, in addition to the historical dimension of the discipline, its most significant developments, with a broad, inclusive, panoramic presentation. Finally, the article concludes with some observations that tend to highlight the need for an inter- and transdisciplinary foundation of this disciplinary field, necessary to face the many challenges of contemporary complexity.


Biblioteconomia; Ranganathan; Guerrini; Biblioteche; Bibliotecari; Library; Librarian

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