Una "Casa de lectura" per la comunità locale

Marco Muscogiuri


The new García Márquez library in Barcelona, of 4,300 m2 on five floors, was inaugurated in 2022 and is innovative in many ways: from the point of view of the architectural project, with a building certified LEED Gold for environmental sustainability, built entirely made of FSC certified wood and with energy saving technologies; from the point of view of interior design, conceived as a “sensory space”, welcoming and flexible, characterized by particularly comfortable furnishings; from the librarianship, with innovative services and spaces (the “Foro de Ideas”, the “Bazar de Actualidad”, “El ágora Escaparate”, many multipurpose spaces, a web radio, a social kitchen, and others). The library was awarded “best library of 2023” at IFLA 2023 and won the FAD Architecture and Interior Design Award, the most important architecture award in Spain and Portugal.


Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez; Barcellona; Premio IFLA 2023

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202308-003-1

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