Esperienze di lettura, ecosistemi mediali e ruolo delle biblioteche

Sara Dinotola


Within an increasingly complex media scenario, the competitiveness of libraries could be strengthened through the search for new strategies to present themselves as places of discovery, in which the possibilities of accessing narrative contents of a heterogeneous nature multiply and intersect and in which to offering diversified and engaging reading experiences, also thanks to the opportunities offered by digital technologies. Hence the need for field investigations aimed at outlining, thanks to the confrontation with people, a cognitive framework on reading practices and media consumption useful for designing innovative and more efficient systems for communicating collections. This paper aims to offer food for thought on these issues starting from the presentation of the results of a survey carried out through the realization of 13 in-depth interviews with Turin readers, some of whom are users of the city library system, currently affected by a significant strategic rethinking process.


biblioteche pubbliche; esperienza di lettura; sondaggi; prospettive future

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