People who TIP. L’esperienza di Take It Personally e le tappe successive

Paola Dubini, Marta Inversini, Annalisa Rossi


The contribution constitutes the public restitution of "TIP, Take It Personally. Personal funds at the center of the interdisciplinary debate", a collaborative path promoted by the Archival and Bibliographic Superintendence of Lombardy and by the Arnoldo and Alberto Mondadori Foundation (FAAM) which took place in Milan from September 2022 to January 2023, structured in interdisciplinary discussion and comparison tables. The motivation behind the process lies, as often happens, in the detection of a need: the need to build and provide tools to institutions, professionals and people who, for various reasons, find themselves working with funds in person every day, for different motivations and with different interests. The text is divided into a part relating to the "gaze of the promoters" (written by Marta Inversini and Annalisa Rossi) and a second part relating to the external gaze, written by Paola Dubini.


Archivi; TIP; Take It Personally; Convegno Stelline; Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori; FAAM


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