Archivi e scuola, alleati per una cittadinanza responsabile

Dimitri Brunetti, Rita Pezzola


The contribution returns the comparison that took place on the relationship between Archives and School, worlds that have always been connected but not without difficulty. The world of archives has often tried to cooperate with that of the school by opening its spaces and making its materials available. The essay is divided into chapters ("Two "warm fronts": educating to memory and digital citizenship", "Spaces for collaboration: the "National guidelines for schools" and archives", "Indications for teachers and archivists, to work together") with the aim of understanding what concrete contributions archives can offer to the challenge of educating. The text also summarizes the interventions of Eva Baldassarri of the Meta Group, of Debora Pìroli and of the «Change of writing» project of the Bresciano, of Erika Salassa of the 1563 Foundation for Art and Culture of the Compagnia di San Paolo of Turin, of the teachers Gianni Crippa, Samira Guadagnuolo and Tiziano Doria of the Liceo Artistico "Preziosissimo Sangue" of Monza, of Luca Loglio of the Benedetto Ravasio Foundation and of the Puppet Museum of Bergamo and of Alessandro Mignone of the Citadel of the Archives.


Archivi; archivisti; archivi e scuola; scuola; cittadinanza responsabile


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