Quante storie nella Storia. Settimana della didattica e dell’educazione al patrimonio in archivio

Manuela Cristoni


“Quante storie nella Storia” has been an annual appointment since 2002 and it is promoted to support institutions in their activity of disseminating and communicating their archival heritage to citizens through educational and promotional initiatives, as well as to increase the link between archives, schools and the territorial context for the purpose of education to cultural heritage. As part of the event, training events are also organized for archivists and teachers, in order to offer food for thought and examples of the use of archival sources to create educational paths, workshops and other disclosure initiatives.


Archivi; archivisti; archivi storici; storia; patrimonio

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202306-054-1

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