Di undicenni, pozzi semantici e altre amenità

Noemi Morrone


The contribution enlights what does really mean to teach literature and complex documents to very young students that have just start their sixth grade in school. The core concept lays on discovering that historical memory, public cultural heritage, mother tongue language learning and artistical performance not only can perfectly fit public school young learners, but give them both the motivation to knowledge and the self confidence to give back to the community their commitment and the straint of learning. In the second part the rapporteur gives some didactical tools and practical guidelines of the pedagogical framework and the teaching strategies put in actions for the performance and the learning experience.


Archivi; archivisti; ragazzi; scuola e archivi; Scuola Puecher

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202306-036-1

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