La biblioteca di tutti

Carlo Bianchini


In 2022, Romano Vecchiet published his book La biblioteca di tutti (Everyone’s Library), which collects 33 articles already published by the author and is organised in four sections: “Udine and its library”, “Libraries and librarians in Friuli-Venezia Giulia from the earthquake to today”; “Regional library legislation” and the last section collects, as per its title, “Miscellaneous essays”. However, the topics covered are many more: library services for children and young people, copyright, inter-library cooperation, historical research on the origins of the public library, the popular library movement in Italy, the economy of culture, technologies applied to library services, distinguished librarians, author libraries, the role of the librarian, and the importance of the reader. This article presents the reflections triggered in the writer by the reading of the book and suggests some thematic paths for a personal reading


Romano Vecchiet; La biblioteca di tutti; storia di un bibliotecario; bibliotecari


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