Dell’effetto “sostituzione” nelle biblioteche pubbliche e dei comportamenti nelle pratiche di acquisto delle biblioteche

Giuliana Casartelli, Francesco Giuseppe Meliti


The article takes in account the Ministry of Culture fund to books acquisition in “proximity” bookshops, through analysis of answers to a survey about use of this fund within public libraries in Lombardy. The survey has been an opportunity to identify a “replacement effect” amid public libraries in (not only) Lombardy and to discover their purchasing practices, with identification of some behaviors about: various figures of selectors; selection tools; selection criteria and development policies; policies for defense of intellectual freedom ; number, type and content of the books purchased; presence of topics related to sustainability; representation of minorities and diversity; acquisition of titles published by “independent” publishers; relationship with supplier bookshops.


Questionario lombardo sull'utilizzo dei fondi ministeriali; le pratiche di acquisto delle biblioteche; biblioteche; bibliotecari


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