ChatGPT, un modello di intelligenza artificiale diventa autore scientifico

Silvia Molinari


ChatGPT, Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, which translates as Pre-trained Conversation Generator, is a chatbot model based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems developed by OpenAI and funded by, among others, Microsoft. ChatGPT3 can generate text in many languages from a specific query, produce new images and videos based on what it has learned from a vast database of digital books, online content, and other media. Even in a recent article published in the January issue of Nurse Education in Practice, lists ChatGPT among the authors. The scientific community does not remain indifferent and is wondering about this tool; not denying its power and being fascinated by it, researchers have the task of understanding and deciding whether it will function as a support or a substitute for human cognition. Whether this tool will have the ability to know to the point where they can choose with “cognition.”


OpenAI; ChatGPT; AI; Artificial Intelligence;


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