Alcune domande a ChatGPT su biblioteche e libri

Fabio Di Giammarco


In the ongoing debate on the applications of artificial intelligence technologies in libraries, among the many voices, it may be interesting to also listen to the “directly concerned”, artificial intelligence itself. This is now possible thanks to the machine learning based network application ChatGPT. In the answers to the questions addressed to ChatGPT on the interaction between artificial intelligence and the world of libraries and books, the most frequent recurrences were: help, community and data. According to the artificial intelligence model questioned, the library, thanks to AI technologies, could become a friendlier and easier place for people looking for information. However, even in the futuristic vision of a library managed largely by AI systems, the presence of librarians, according to ChatGPT, remains essential because libraries not only deal with books, but above all welcome and bring together people from the communities, and therefore only they can then connect people with resources and services. Furthermore, ChatGPT’s long-term forecast informs us that books will continue to provide knowledge, rich and in depth context, while algorithms will remain in the realm of processes, predictions and discovering new patterns. As for the future of libraries: it is very likely that they will continue to evolve and adapt to meet the changing needs of their communities, and therefore will continue to exist in some form well into future centuries.


ChatGPT; AI; Artificial Intellingence; Books; Libraries


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