“Sure, I can help with that!”

Nicola Barbuti


The paper presents the first results relating to the interaction with the Free and Plus ChatGPT version, in order to examine the state-of-the-art on the disambiguation of digitalization, digitization and dematerialization, keywords of the digital transformation of cultural heritage, in particular in librarianship and archival science. The interaction with the AI was based on query written in a not complex, but specialized language. The feedback has provided some interesting information on the functioning of the chatbot, when it is “stressed” with repeated queries on issues relating to specific areas of digital innovation in the humanities that are not of widespread interest, proposing some instances that open up interesting perspectives for undertaking further research and test.


ChatGPT; AI; Artificial Intellingence;

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202303-028-1

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