La descrizione delle risorse bibliografiche in linked data

Tania Maio


The article is an appendix of the volume Come lavorare con Wikidata in biblioteca = How to work with Wikidata in the library , written by Alessandra Boccone and Tania Maio, published by Editrice Bibliografica in April 2021. In this article, after a brief introduction to Wikidata and to the construction of an element, the tables of the WikiProject Books and Periodicals are reported. They have been translated, revised and expanded by the author, for the benefit of librarians who wish to approach the creation of items of bibliographic interest, such as authors, monographs, journals, articles in linked open data. It ends with a brief reflection on the possibilities offered by Wikidata in the field of authority control.


wikidata; biblioteca; WikiProjectBooks; bibliotecari

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