In cammino con Antonella

Gabriella Carrè, Cecilia Cognigni, Tiziana Cerrato, Maria Riccarda Bignamini


Antonella Biscetti has been teacher, referent and founder of the TorinoReteLibri, a network of school libraries in Turin since 2011. She has been involved in some educational projects, in particular on promoting reading, organization of conferences and lifelong learning courses. She died in Turin on April 17, 2021. The article describes her passion and great ability to build networks and to involve people in projects and collaborations. Her work has been of inspiration for many school librarians across the country. The love for children and reading has animated all her activities and helped to leave an indelible memory in those who knew her. On May 2021 the Cepell attributed her the title of Ambassador of Reading for the year 2021.

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