Attraverso le reti. Un percorso in cinque tappe (CSBNO)

Simona Villa, Barbara Dell'Acqua, Adriano Solidoro


The paper describes five initiatives, inspired by cooperation, which took place in March during the yearly librarians’ convention at the Stelline Palace of Milan. The initiatives were organized by the CSBNO (Creatività Sostenibilità Biblioteche Network Operativo), the consortium of libraries in the Northwest of Milan. The themes were the following: 1. How libraries can plan the citizens’ lifelong learning; 2. How to plan cooperation through the Design thinking way; 3. The legal means of cooperation; 4. How to build the library’s social balance; 5. The World Cafè as the library’s place to create conversation and to product ideas.


CSBNO, convegno stelline, seminario

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