Il professionista responsabile della propria crescita

Patrizia Lùperi


The aim of the present article is to reflect on the role of the portfolio within and without the Italian Library Association (AIB), through the examination of some real cases, namely a project started by Legacoop Veneto and one involving the workers of the “Servizio Civile” – the Italian national scheme on volunteer temporary service – for the regional administration in Lombardy. Moreover, the article analyses the role that portfolios may play in the highly destructured and flexible professional development contexts, which are common in many European countries. The portfolio, in short, is an opportunity for the individual to make his/her experience emerge, next to curricular education, by underlining the knowledge which mostly influenced his/her career path, and which did not just determine meaningful “evidences” but contributed to an actual professional and individual growth.


portfolio, formazione professionale, AIB, bibliotecari

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