La cooperazione nel programma Europa creativa

Simona Villa


Creative Europe is the European Program dedicated to the cultural and creative sector: inside this Program there is a call that supports specifically cooperation projects, underlining the importance of the transnational cooperation between diverse entities in order to build and share innovation. CSBNO applied (and won) in 2015 with a project called “New challenges for Public Libraries” which principle aim is to learn and disseminate the Design Thinking for Libraries methodology. Thanks to the cooperation with Lombardy Region, Bicocca University, Aarhus Dokk1 and Progress Foundation the five libraries partner in the project (three libraries from CSBNO network – Pero, Arese, Cinisello Balsamo – one Portuguese library – Braga – and one Rumenian library – Ploiesti) have used the toolkit to face specific challenges and find solutions together with the patrons and the citizens. Now CSBNO is cooperating with other Italian libraries (Seriate, Milano, BCNR) in order to disseminate the toolkit and share its experience.


csbno; cooperazione; consorzio interbibliotecario; europa creativa

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