CSBNO: se vent’anni vi sembran pochi...

Gianni Stefanini


The article illustrates the history of CSBNO, a consortium composed by the libraries of 33 towns in the north-west of Milan province, and all the services that it offers to about 780.000 inhabitants. The author analyzes the strategic principles by which the Consortium has been inspired, in particular the choice of its juridical status in order to be more and more independent and its trend to improve cooperation. The aim was to elaborate the project called “The network of the networks”, which foresees multiple ways of coordination, sharing and integration between a great number of library networks at an national level.


csbno; cooperazione; consorzio interbibliotecario

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201708-016-1

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