Quali “competenze digitali”?

Laura Testoni


The aim of this paper is to present an updated framework of the “digital literacy” notion and content. The digital literacy origins date back to 1997: this paper presents the subsequent developments of the word and particularly the context elements that today make the digital literacy topical and urgent. We consider digital literacy as a set of “soft-skills” and “life-skills”. This paper examines the digital literacy specific contents, starting from three institutional reports: the DigComp (proposed by the European Commission in 2017), the EDCL Foundation model (2015), and a recent Unesco-IITE paper (2011). Finally, we propose, through some thematic clusters, an analytic comparison of Digital literacy and Information literacy typical skills. The goal is to propose a collaboration and a hybridization between librarians and other knowledge workers.


digital literacy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201707-004-1

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