La Biblioteca nel Salone

Maurizio Vivarelli, Enzo Borio


The contribution describes the premises, the activities and the results of the project La Biblioteca nel Salone, realized in the XXXth edition of the Salone internazionale del libro di Torino, which took place between 18 and 22 May 2017. The authors, who shared the elaboration and implementation of the project, present and discuss the initial conditions from which the project started, the general structure of its configuration, the organizational aspects, proposing some final evaluations. La Biblioteca nel Salone has reached the goals that had been set, which consisted in an unitary representation of the identity of the contemporary library, to which collaborated librarians of different types of libraries (public, academic etc.), coordinated by Piedmont Section of Associazione italiana biblioteche. Particularly effective was the use of graphs realized on Aureoo, a social reading platform, with which, in a pleasant and intuitive way, have been integrated heterogeneous digital contents, related to events included in the program of the Salone.


salone del libro; biblioteca

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