La funzione didattica della biblioteca scolastica al tempo del digitale

Donatella Lombello Soffiato


The school library (BS) is the object of a new pedagogical consideration from the MIUR, following the Action ♯ 24 of PNSD (2015) and the subsequent Avviso Biblioteche scolastiche innovative (2016). The new role assigned to the BS from the ministerial regulations is fitted inside the innovation of the italian school, by means of the outreach digital introduction. Thanks to the new technologies, the approach to the Net is more immediate, as well as the usage of one wider repertoire of materials: how can the BS concurs to the processes needed for enabling the students to master and deepen the multitude of learnings, the variety of knowledges (scientific, literary, artistic, musical a.s.o.) at the time of the digital?


biblioteca; scuola; digitale

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