La filosofia open: paradigma del servizio contemporaneo

Mauro Guerrini


The open adjective is declined in several ways: open space, open section, open access, open library, open source, open society...; this demonstrates an open, dynamic philosophy, and a positive relationship between individual and society. COAR and Unesco say: “Open access is a global trend, with policies and practices rapidly being adopted around the world. As the world enters a new era of sustainable development, openness and inclusiveness in scientific research will become increasingly critical. While most governments agree on the underlying principles of open access, there is significant diversity in the way countries have approached its implementation. These differences reflect a range of perspectives, values, and priorities of the different regions. Clearly, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution to implementing open access”. Open access also to scientific research data; science becomes more useful to society: exchange, collaboration, innovation. The public library is the first implementation of open philosophy. Analysis of institutional repositories and social networks.

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