La biblioteca e l’archivio storico del liceo “Giambattista Vico” di Napoli

Maria Rosaria Bacchini, Giovanna De Pascale


The history of the library of High School “G. B. Vico” in Naples overlaps with the history of the school, born in the nineties of the nineteenth century. “G.B. Vico” is part of a group of centenarian schools called “Scuole storiche napoletane” (“historical Neapolitan schools”) and has a library heritage of about 20,000 volumes. Library collections of the High School were formed, initially, with substantial purchases of classics in the early ‘900 and later with the purchase of literary, philosophical and historical series and in more recent years of fiction works. Library increase continues until 1970; many donations have increased this heritage even with books of a certain value. Numerous projects have re-evaluated the role of the library in the school. The current reorganization of the Library, begun in the 2000s was accompanied by the Archive with the recovery of much of the documentation both teaching and administrative.

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