A piede liberos

Aldo Addis


A region with a library in every municipality is a reading promotion project come true: it is the Sardinia of Lìberos. The association, which in 2012 won the prize CheFare, brings together the public and the private, for-profit and non-profit sectors to get to as many municipalities as possible, especially the smallest ones, and to create reading communities. In order to make the cultural event become a piece of a shared path, assume meaning and become engine of change. Born as a project to promote reading, Lìberos can now be described as a cultural welfare project, because it aims at filling a gap between the center and the periphery, which is not only a spacial gap, but it is also an opportunity gap.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201701-033-1

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