Vietato entrare

Antonella Agnoli


When you were 14, would you have liked to have adults around? As I remember that period, the main daily activity was searching for places where there were no adults: the darkest corners of the park, a coffee shop where you could smoke on the sly, a small square outside the local police’s control. In Oslo and in Stockholm administrators have indeed created heavens for teenagers: two libraries where adults are not allowed. The project stems from the idea that by the age of 10 youngsters become disaffected toward reading: at this age, even the more committed little readers begin to neglect books and to disregard the traditional library. According to the Scandinavian librarians, this age is neglected, “squeezed” between children and young adults, and there is a lack of specific services for the 10-15 year olds. Therefore it is important to build a tailored offer for them.

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