Leggere prima di leggere

Cristina Ramuschi


The library of Traversetolo, a small town near Parma, is particularly interested in promoting reading for children. Moved to its current location in 2005, it has allocated a separate space to books addressing a 0-6 readership and in 2008 it has created the Nati per Leggere (Born to Read) section, with separate shelves and a special catalogue. Starting in 2011 and for a few years, the Library and AUSL have worked together to encourage reading at an early age (0-5), especially addressing those families who did/could not access Library services: two “reading points” have been set up at local paediatricians’ surgeries. Every year the Library organises over 240 workshops and lectures – in 2015, 26 focused on 0-6 readers. Events are of three types: 1) readings and storytelling followed by art workshops, open to all (3 or 4 meetings, twice to thrice a year); 2) themed workshops for local nursery school children (e.g. on the sea and pirates, or on specific books) – 5 meetings per school year; c) meetings with authors, workshops to promote children literature within the wider area Pedemontana – in conjunction with Local Authorities, neighbouring Libraries, Regione Emilia-Romagna and the Ministry of Culture (beginning 2016-2017).

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201607-041-1

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