Le competenze del bibliotecario digitale

Anna Maria Tammaro


In the article “Le competenze del bibliotecario digitale“ by Anna Maria Tammaro, the Seminar “The digital librarian competencies: DILL ten years after”, within the Conference of Stelline 2016 is described; it aimed to stimulate a reflection on the education of the digital librarian from the experience of the international Master Digital Library Learning DILL. On the occasion of the Seminar, a survey of the international community of DILL digital librarians (students, alumni, employers, and even foreign experts and teachers involved in the course), has been done to investigate the digital librarian competencies, from those identified by DILL in three areas: technology skills, research skills, librarianship skills. The paper describes the international debate, the educational objectives of DILL (competencies in the Bologna Process terminology) and analyze the survey results on the present and future digital librarian competencies.


bibliotecario digitale; competenze; master DILL

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201603-022-1

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