Applicare FRBR è possibile?

Antonella Trombone


In 2009 an Italian experimental work examined the applicability of REICAT, the new Italian cataloguing rules, in connection with the use of UNIMARC standard. The rules are partly based on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records and require a different bibliographic structure of on-line catalogues. The simulation of a cataloguing activity using REICAT together with UNIMARC standards has shown the need of substantial changes to the UNIMARC formats in order to allow the description of the FRBR entities and their internal relationships. Today Resource Description and Access definitely confirme the adoption of the FRBR model in cataloguing. Moreover the Permanent UNIMARC Committee has approved a set of changes in order to allow the description of the work and expression entities at the authority record level, as well as to embody the same entities at the manifestation level. All the relationships among authors and FRBR entities will be expressible at the suitable level.

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