Lo spazio della biblioteca: una introduzione bibliografica

Maurizio Vivarelli, Arianna Ascenzi


The article is structured in two parts: the first, by Maurizio Vivarelli, presents the upcoming release of the book, carried out by many different authors, entitled Lo spazio della biblioteca. Culture e pratiche del progetto tra architettura e biblioteconomia. The book, that will be published in November, provides a general overview of the many different issues related to the design, architectural and bibliographic, of the different types of libraries, and also examines in detail the issues related to the evaluation of the use of space, with reference to the disciplinary field of museology; the second part, by Arianna Ascenzi, offers an annotated bibliography which aims to result a helpful research tool to understand the great importance of the library as the place in which it is implemented the mise en espace of the knowledge objectified and embodied in documents.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201309-005-1

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